The Suncoast Barley Mashers is an American Homebrewers Association registered group.
The founding members are Robb Goodwill, Bob Bridges, Michael Vetter, Vinnie Giordano, Mike Lee, Mike Hershberger, Laurie Bridges and Steve Shanks.
The Suncoast Barley Mashers are a group of brewers who are united as a guild. Our primary goals are increasing our knowledge and ability in the craft of brewing. We are committed to exploring beer styles, the chemistry and mechanics of brewing and processes of the craft, as well as improving our ability to taste with discernment and recognize areas for improvement. We encourage competition in an effort to obtain feedback on our beers and then work to mitigate any flaws or weaknesses.
Members will foster an atmosphere of camaraderie with other members of the guild, with other guilds and with professional breweries in the Suncoast area. An underlying goal of the guild is to have fun while we strive for higher levels of competency in brewing.
Membership in the guild is controlled. The guild does not consider a high membership count to be among the metrics that necessarily reflect the success of the group. The guild does not automatically accept members simply because they are willing to pay dues. Membership is attained by meeting the requirements of the guild and showing support for the guild through meeting attendance, interaction, participation in brew days, events and guild projects, etc. The guild-member relationship is a two-way relationship in which the members give to the guild and the guild gives back as a whole to the members.
Prospective members may contact a current member and have their name proposed at a meeting or current members may use the private Facebook page or a meeting to suggest individuals they feel would be an asset to the guild. Current members will discuss any knowledge they have to help decide if the group wishes to invite the individual to participate in a trial period.
A membership request form must be completed by the prospective member and submitted to the guild. This form will provide the guild with information that will help in the decision to invite prospective members to try out the guild and to determine the level of skill/craft of a prospective member. Guild membership will only be considered for persons age 21 and older.
Once interest in joining the guild has been expressed through the submission of a membership form, the prospective member should:
After trial period, a guild representative will reach out to the prospective member to ask if they would like to join the guild as a full member.
Guild prospective member will be officially offered membership on the guild prospective page and will officially declare if they are accepting or declining full membership, additionally indicating that they have read and accept the guild charter.
Upon acceptance of full membership, the new member will be added to the Members page, pay the membership fee, and purchase a guild work shirt.
Upon request, the new member will be provided access to the Google calendar and will be sent an email by the Membership Committee with additional guild information regarding shirt purchase, Google calendar use, upcoming events to which the member was not previously invited, etc.
New members will make a one-time, non-refundable $45 contribution towards future guild expenses. The current contribution amount will remain in place until the guild membership feels an adjustment is appropriate and votes to change the amount.
Membership in the Guild is a privilege and the guild has certain expectations for a member to maintain that membership.
The guild has acknowledged that there are professional members of the brewing community that help us, the homebrewers, learn and increase our knowledge of the craft and others that support our guild above and beyond the norm. In an effort to recognize these people who have helped our guild hone our skills by knowledge sharing, teaching, co-brewing or supporting us , we have created the Honorary Professional Guild Member.
An Honorary Professional Guild Member will be a non-voting member, who may attend all open meetings, participate in the prospective member page and can wear our work shirt.
To be inducted as an Honorary Professional Guild Member the recipient will have:
It is not a requirement that all of these be met, but the individual must have met a high level of support. To be inducted will require a 75% vote of current members in good standing to approve a candidate. These members will be recorded by the Membership Committee who will keep a current Honorary Professional Guild member list. At most there can be two recipients in a calendar year with the exception of the first year, 2016, which can have 6 candidates to make up for the preceding years. There is no requirement to add any of these type members in a year. Candidates that are approved will be offered this membership and if they accept will receive a work shirt from the guild to include their name embroidered with Honorary Member above it.
Open to spouses or significant others of a Regular Members. Significant Other/ Supportive Guild Members will be given access to only the SBM Prospectus page. This is to ensure that these members are able to be kept up to date with Guild planning activities. Spouse/Supportive Guild Members are non-voting members and do not enjoy the rights and privileges of being a voting member. However, Spouse/Supportive Guild Members are permitted to wear an official Guild work shirt or other Guild paraphernalia as designated as being appropriate by the Guild at events in order to show support. Spouse/Supportive Members maybe added and/or removed at the request of the primary Guild member connected to the Significant Other/ Supportive Guild Member only. Additionally Significant Other/ Supportive Guild Members should be encouraged to apply to become full Guild members if they want.
At times, the opportunity to add an honorary member to the Guild membership may come up. As a means of recognition, the Guild membership shall have the option to elect “honorary Guild members” to the Guild. Unlike the Honorary Professional Guild Member, this individual can be someone not associated with the professional brewing industry. The Honorary Guild Members are non-voting members and do not enjoy the rights and privileges of being a voting member. Honorary Guild Members will be given access to only the SBM Prospectus page. In order to be considered for Honorary Guild Membership an active Guild member is good standing must nominate the potential honorary Guild member with an explanation as to why the Guild member feels that the individual should be considered for Honorary Guild Membership. After that, an active Guild member shall second the nomination, and a vote should be held. Honorary Guild Membership will be bestowed upon the individual only if 75% of the active voting membership votes in favor of the proposal within seven (7) days of the proposal. If accepted by the Guild membership, the Membership Chair/ and/or President can reach out to the Honorary Guild Member to ascertain if they accept the Honorary Guild Membership offer. The Guild reserves the right to revoke the Honorary Guild Membership of any individual for cause by a vote of 75% of the active Guild membership.
The business of the Guild will be guided by a Steering Committee of Elected Officers consisting of the following positions:
Except as specified in the Charter, Members may hold only one elected office or committee Chair position.
Elected Officers may create Ad Hoc committees as needed, to plan and oversee specific events that reach beyond Guild membership or require significant planning or resources.
The duties of the President shall be as follows:
The duties of the Vice-President shall be as follows:
The duties of the Secretary shall be as follows:
The duties of the Treasurer shall be as follows:
Terms for all Officers and Standing Committee Chairs will be for a period of two years, commencing on January 1st.
Annual Membership Business
A Membership Business will be held in December of each year. Prospective Members and guests may not attend the Annual Membership Business. Official minutes of the meeting will be taken and posted to the Files area of the Suncoast Barley Mashers private Facebook page within a week of the meeting.
Elections Meeting
An Elections Meeting for the guild officers will be held in December, every other year. Prospective Members and guests may not attend the Elections Meeting. Official minutes of the meeting will be taken and posted to the Files area of the Suncoast Barley Mashers private Facebook page within a week of the meeting.
Elections will be held at the Annual Membership Business and Elections Meeting for Steering Committee Officers. The election will be conducted by the President. If the President cannot be present at the meeting, another Steering Committee Officer will conduct the election.
Removal from Office
Any Officer or Standing Committee Chair not maintaining the status of “Member in Good Standing” during his/her term of office, without reasonable excuse, shall be removed from office and replaced as soon as possible. A reasonable excuse shall be determined by the Steering Committee.
Any Officer or Standing Committee Chair, as determined by a majority of the Steering Committee, found not satisfactorily performing his/her duties or representing the Guild in a positive manner, may be removed from office, subject to the approval by an absolute majority YES vote of the Members (NOT of the votes cast), following a report from the Steering Committee to the membership. The vote shall be conducted by the Membership Committee Chair and shall be announced by email to all Members and the Officer/Chair in question. Voting will take place by email, with a minimum of two weeks allowed for voting. Members may vote YES, NO or may abstain from voting.
Removal from the Steering Committee or a Standing Chair position will not affect the Member status of the Officer/Chair.
Returning Suncoast Barley Mashers Guild Property
All Officers, Members, or others acting on behalf of the Guild, upon completion of their term in office or assignment, or upon relinquishment or revocation of their membership, shall return to the Guild any and all papers, documents, and property deemed to be important to the operation and history of, and belonging to, the Guild. Failure to comply may result in revocation of membership or association with the Guild, and civil action if deemed necessary.
No member is authorized to commit the guild to participation in an event/activity without first confirming the guild’s interest at a meeting and/or on the private Facebook page. No member is authorized to incur any financial obligation on behalf of the guild without prior authority of the guild. Members will not accept additional compensation or favor for their efforts in coordinating the guild’s participation in an event/activity beyond what other guild members receive for their participation in the event. No member will accept compensation or favor in return for recommending or selecting a venue or supplier for guild business.
Other than the initial membership contribution of $45, there will be no dues collected for guild membership. Financial obligations/needs for the guild will be met through the initial membership contributions, voluntary “pass the hat” contributions at meetings/activities, income from merchandise sales and contributions from outside sources.
Suncoast Barley Mashers guild is not associated with a particular brewery, venue or commercial entity and strives to support and encourage all the craft breweries and other commercial entities supporting craft brewing and craft beer throughout the Tampa Bay area.
When officially representing SBM at a public or paid admission event such as a beer festival, members will wear an official SBM shirt. Wearing a guild shirt is optional (though highly recommended) when attending an event planning meeting with other organizations or attending a beer event as a group.
The guild banner will be displayed whenever possible at events in which the guild is officially participating. A file will be maintained on the private Facebook page to document current responsibility for the banner and where it was last used. The member currently in possession of the banner will transport it to the next official event or convey it to another member who will take over responsibility. The member who takes the banner to an event is responsible for ensuring it “comes home” from the event and is responsible for updating the banner location file.
Guild members will conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively upon the guild when wearing their official SBM shirt or otherwise officially representing the guild. Behaviors that reflect poorly upon the guild include, but are not limited to:
Negative behavior when representing the guild may affect a member's rights to represent the guild in subsequent events or may result in revocation of guild membership.
At both internal and external activities and events, guild members will only serve alcohol products to people over the legal drinking age; if the guild is serving at an event and someone looks under age 21, the member will request I.D. if the hosting organization has not provided its own age check and provided a proof of age token, such as a hand stamp or wristband.
At both internal and external activities and events, guild members are responsible for themselves. Guild members may participate in meetings, events and activities and consume alcohol as a group, but the group in no way is responsible for a member’s personal actions and conduct.
REPRESENTING THE GUILD - Expressing differences of opinion in social media discussions are totally acceptable, but members should do so with respect and make clear that it is their personal opinion when any portion of the topic relates to beer, brewing, craft beer venues, brew organizations, guilds and clubs. Official SBM accounts (Facebook, Twitter, email, etc.) will not be used to express negative commentary unless officially decided by the guild membership. For example, the guild may decide to officially state the group's dislike of a new law that is harmful to the craft brewing industry or home brewing communities.
PUBLIC FACEBOOK PAGE – External events in which the guild is participating may be posted on the public Facebook page, but this page is not an advertising forum for other beer/brewing commercial ventures. Advertising will be removed from the page and repeat offenders may be blocked. Photos of guild events may be posted to the page following the event and should be limited to photos that would not reflect negatively on the guild. Public posts to thank guild supporters and host venues are encouraged.
PRIVATE FACEBOOK PAGE - Discussions on the private guild page, along with documents and other files posted to that page are not to be disclosed or distributed to individuals who have not been granted access to the page. Discussions/polls relating to specific membership pledges/decisions will be deleted prior to adding the member to the page. Members will be given a week to respond to official polls/votes, after which time anyone not voting will be considered to have abstained or cast a default vote, as specified in the original post. Events will be created on the private Facebook page to advertise (to members) and coordinate guild activities (face-to-face or electronic meetings, field trips, brew days, etc.) and to centralize discussion pertaining to the activity.
EMAIL – Email messages sent from the account will only reflect the official view of the guild. Messages will be signed by the member sending the email and "On behalf of Suncoast Barley Mashers" will appear on the line under the member's name. The member will also indicate any title/function within the group, if appropriate. A copy of sent and received email will remain in the account for at least six months if considered short-term and non-controversial (Example: coordination emails for an event or a thank-you email to a guild supporter), or indefinitely if related to ongoing guild business or "controversial" topics (example: complaint from a member or outside party).
GOOGLE CALENDAR - A private Google calendar has been established for the guild and all full members have read/write access to the calendar. Note that a Gmail account is required. Although internal guild events will also be posted on the Google calendar, members should look to the private Facebook page for event details.
Modification of guild charter requires a 75% majority vote of current members. Members will be notified of the suggested modifications, with the notification specifying all details of what is being added, removed or modified. Notification will take place both on the Facebook private page and with email sent to each member via the email address on file with the guild. Members will have a minimum of three weeks to cast their vote. Lack of response by the member within the specified time will be counted as a YES vote.
Appendix documents are considered to be working documents that can be modified by the guild without a formal vote.
In the event the Suncoast Barley Mashers guild disbands as an organization:
Copyright © 2025 Suncoast Barley Mashers - All Rights Reserved.