Suncoast Barley Mashers
A Guild of Avid Brewers
A Guild of Avid Brewers
The Suncoast Barley Mashers (SBM) are registered as an official "club" with the American Home Brewers Association. However, the group does not function as a club, but rather as a guild. It's organization is styled on the old world guilds, in which levels are assigned to members based upon knowledge, experience and ability, with the caveat that all members help each other and no member is less important than another. Education, sharing, and mentorship are used to improve the brewing skills of members. The guild also strives to foster an atmosphere of camaraderie with other guilds and with professional craft breweries in the Suncoast area.
We strive to increase our knowledge and ability in the craft of brewing by exploring beer styles, studying the chemistry and mechanics of brewing and processes of the craft, improving our ability to taste with discernment and recognize areas for improvement... and to have fun while doing it.
SBM generally holds an educational event on the 2nd Sunday of August, September, November, January, February, April, and May at 2:00PM. Day/time may be shifted when it falls on a holiday or when it is necessary to do so to procure the resources or venue of choice for that event. The location varies so that we can take advantage of the vast array of professional brewery resources and brewing expertise in the Tampa Bay area. Non-member attendance at SBM educational events tend to be by invitation only, though some may be held in conjunction with other brew guilds/clubs. Please contact us if you are interested in attending an upcoming event.
We're not all business though, since one of the guild's guiding principles is to have fun. The guild holds a social event in July, October, December & March, usually the 2nd Saturday at 7:00PM, but these may also be shifted due to holidays and venues. Some of these are members only, some are open to potential members, and some may be multi-guild/club get-togethers. Again, contact us to find out what might be coming up that you could attend.
Copyright © 2025 Suncoast Barley Mashers - All Rights Reserved.